
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The United (Police) States of America

The United Police States of America have made it official. We are all criminals. Each and every one of us. After 237 years of legislation on the federal, state, county and local level, there are so many laws on the books regulating in minutia every conceivable aspect of human behavior or interaction, that at some point, knowingly or not, we have no choice but to transgress. And of course, ignorance of the law does not excuse the breaking of the law.

Since the government now has the means to observe and permanently record every action and communication we make, the authorities have the power to arrest any one they choose at any time they choose. Add to that the fact that ruling after ruling by the highest courts in the land have granted police virtually unlimited power in executing arrests. The use of deadly force is unrestricted, condoned, encouraged and rewarded without accountability or consequence.

Once an arrest has been made, the person in custody doesn't stand a chance. A recent Supreme Court ruling decided that the accused no longer has the right to remain silent or invoke their Constitutional rights under the 5th Amendment to not incriminate themselves, whether they are Mirandized or not, and that silence can and will be used AS PROOF against you. Further, innocent or not, and especially if you are innocent, hiring a lawyer and mounting a defense could cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Prosecutors, with the full weight and resources of the State arrayed against you, stack charge on top of charge. Defense attorneys recommend taking plea bargains because guilty verdicts are so onerous, capricious and punitive.

When jail time is handed down, either by sentencing after a trial or plea deal, the convicted is remanded to privatized prisons whose goal is to make a profit by running at maximum occupancy. Like all large companies, especially those with government contracts, these businesses contribute large amounts of money to the election and reelection campaigns of politicians, judges, and law enforcement personnel. This incentivizes the system to increase the number of arrests, try defendants as adults at younger and younger ages, incarcerate for longer periods of time, and add more laws to the books. And this does not address the prison culture where vicious guards grant privileges to the ruling gangs and turn a blind eye to savage killings, brutal beatings and forcible rape. Yet time after time the courts rule that this does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment.

The U.S. maintains the highest per capita prison population on Earth, heavily skewed towards minorities.

People wrongly believe that our courts are courts of justice. They are not. They are courts of law. And the law is not on our side.

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