
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wake Up People, the Bell Is Tolling

George H.W. Bush famously said, "I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good." Today I speak of a thousand points of light from musicians, bloggers, alternative news reporters, overpass protesters, whistleblowers, and people who are hip to what's really going down and are taking a stance. It gives me hope, but it also makes me afraid. Standing alone or together, the government has the resources and is currently using those resources to systematically put out these lights by "legal," quasi-legal and black-op operations. I don't like seeing people hurt and KILLED and ruined, but I for one will not give up until I'm six feet under, and even then I have hope that my legacy will live on in those who know me, and those who read my works.

My son, a true info-warrior, of whom I am very proud, sent me a link for a music video titled I Am American-Official VideoIt was this song that actually inspired this piece. I contacted Jeremy Dodge, who graciously gave his permission for me to link the song. For more information and videos please visit

We are at war with our government and their multinational corporate puppetmasters, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, but before you decide, remember that our government has already declared US to be the enemy. Every ONE of us. They go after animal sanctuaries, organic farms, internet entrepreneurs, journalists, legally operated medical marijuana outlets. I read online that the official motto of the TSA Air Marshall Training Center is "DOMINATE, INTIMIDATE, CONTROL." I couldn't believe that a federal agency could have such a blatantly provocative motto, so I went to the TSA's own webpage and sure enough, that is the OFFICIAL slogan. The government is not even bothering to hide its disdain for us. The government sees every man, woman and child in this country as a terrorist and enemy combatant. And they have the plans for dealing with every one of us. "Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."

"It's time to stand up! It's time for less Government! Politicians and THEIR  choices for what THEY think is best for you and me, are doing more damage to our country right now than at any other time in history and it is up to us, "The People" of America to "Stand Up" and speak out with boldness. We are still a Government of the people, by the people and for the people!"

Jeremy Dodge

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