
Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm jonesing. My heart is beating like a drum. I've got the cold sweats. My hands are shaking. I can't think about anything else. I need a fix!

Not for a drink. Not for a drug. For a book. I'm out. I used up my stash, and my wife, who is my enabler, didn't have time to pick up more. I admit it, I'm addicted, hooked, got Curious George on my back. Actually, my habit started many, many years ago. I can still remember my first book. The feel of it in my hands. The smooth cover, the anticipation of turning pages, the highs and lows it took me on as the words coursed through my eager young brain. This is Spot. See Spot run. Run Spot run. I didn't stand a chance. The more books I read, the more I wanted. And worst of all, reading books was only the gateway to the need to write them.

Fortunately I have the number for a literature crisis hotline. They have librarians standing by 24/7. But I won't rest easy until I have another book in hand.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


In a perfect world, every human being should have the absolute right to be FREE--to do exactly what I tell them to do.


If everyone who ever smoked marijuana joined together, we could overrun the White House--on our way to Baker's Square.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fine Print

I started reading a new book and in the fine print copyright information it said "No part of this book may not be reproduced..." I figured in that case I would post the entire book here on this blog, but then decided not to. But it begs the question, who the hell reads the fine print copyright paragraph?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The moral right of the author has been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may not be reproduced or transmitted by any
person or entity, including internet search engines or retailers, in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying (except under the statutory
exceptions provisions of the Copyright Act 1968), recording, scanning or by
any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of
the Publisher.

Copyright © 2013 S.J. Dunn. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher.

Run It Up the Flagpole

I've always liked the name Canada for a country. I think our country should have a similarly soothing name like Propaganada.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Apple Pie

Sue turned to the cupboard and took out a large apple pie cut in four pieces. "I don't suppose you could eat more than two pieces of this pie?"

"Well"--Hopalong studied the pie seriously--"I don't know, but I doubt if I could eat less."

Louis L'Amour
The Riders of High Rock

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


1. Our cats are shedding. They're going around building little garages.

2. If it's not important to your cat, it's not really important.

3. A cat will love you unconditionally, as long as all the unconditions are theirs.

4. If you expect a cat to do anything other than be a cat, you and the cat are going to be very disappointed.

5. Time spent with my cat is time well spent.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Star Stuff

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”

Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Monday, June 17, 2013

Enemy Territory

"When you're in

"When you're in your own mind, you're in enemy territory."

Mark Goulston, MD, psychiatrist and author

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Scene fades...rust splits. Broken hand trembles, grasps the pen feebly, strength slowly returning. Rust drifts down creating patterns in the snow where there were no patterns. The sun, still obscured, reluctant to take on its responsibilities, casts all in amber. I lie naked in the snow spreading arms and legs, making the image of an angel. Recollections poke their green buds through the new layer of thin ice, only slightly bruised for the effort. I remember a man who for a brief moment believed that he was the son of God. I notice how numb I am from the cold even as the radiant ball of the sun kaleidoscopes off misty teardrops. What care I for Shakespearian dramas?

In the end I take the easy way out. The snow – cold linens. The sun – a white light. My tongue, swollen, moves slowly, tasting reality – slimy, parched. Fading in and out. I'm in ill humor. I've been in that room always, recovering from the incision.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Yard Work

My wife and son got me outside last weekend to enjoy the fresh air while they did yard work. My son started mowing the lawn, but our old, clunky lawnmower conked out. So then they got out the weed whacker and had just begun to clean up around the foundation when it ran out of whip cord. So they decided to get out the wheelbarrow to pick up trash, debris, and clippings, but the wheel was flat and rusted in place. I see a trip to the hardware store in our future.


Copyright 2013 by Carlos Valenzuela

What We're Up Against

(1) The term "space" means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space.

(2)(A) The terms "weapon" and "weapons system" mean a device capable of any of the following:

(i) Damaging or destroying an object (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by–

(I) firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object;

(II) detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object;

(III) directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object; or

(IV) any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means.

(ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)–

(I) through the use of any of the means described in clause (i) or subparagraph (B);

(II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; or

(III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.

(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as–

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

(ii) chemtrails;

(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

(v) laser weapons systems;

(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

(C) The term "exotic weapons systems" includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

R.P. Dunlovie

Ben's Post

IRS, Bengazi, Prism, the mysterious deaths of whistleblowers, Verizon, AP phone records, NDAA, Patriot Act, Boston Marathon, Immigration Reform, Syria, cyber security, systematic attacks on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments by those pleading the 5th, Demorepublicans, fake economic recovery, hidden taxes, Affordable Care Act, DHS/FEMA ammo-armored truck-tactical gear buys, drones killing kids, Guantanamo Bay forced feedings, Central Banks. God bless America. Any questions?


I'm not afraid for myself. I've lived a long and varied life full of love and hate, pleasure and pain, beauty and ugliness, compassion and injustice, wonder and banality, adventure and routine. I've survived cancer, massive infection, spinal cord injury, and fate has conspired to put me in a wheelchair. I've had the unconditional love of a good woman and several cats. I've celebrated family weddings, birthdays, holidays. No, I'm afraid for my children, and even more so for my grandchildren.

I'm afraid for the children . . .

Topography (A Short Story)

Two fat lines of the finest crystal coke reflected the lights in the ceiling like shattered glass as they lay spread upon a mirror. A rolled-up one-hundred dollar bill sat nearby. Beer bottles sat in bitter puddles, condensation teardrops trickling down in zigzag patterns. A small mound of sifted marijuana, shot through with crimson, gold and emerald, sat on the cover of Passport's Infinity Machine. A black ceramic bong shaped like a skull sat before me. I grasped a silver lighter, a rainbow playing about the edges of my sapphire ring. I raised the bong and put my lips to the mouthpiece. I did the hit. I took a sip of beer.

I felt good . . .
A knock on the door . . .
It would be time to go on soon.

I turned my head slightly to the left. “What instrument did you say you played?” said the dude sitting next to me.

“Second fiddle.”

There's A Pippy on My Porch

There's a Pippy on my porch and she stalks along the rail,
Watching for a careless bird, she flicks her nervous tail.

Each early morn she skips around, wanting to go out,
Hot or cold, it matters not, in her fur-about.

Her mottled gray with flecks of tan, blend in with the wood,
Swatting at a bumblebee, she'd eat it if she could.

She's such a little pipsqueak, that's how she got her name,
When she's inside she's quite polite, outside she's barely tame.

If I look outside and call her name, Pippy starts to preen,
Showing off her pretty face through the window screen.

When I'm cooking on the grill, hotdogs, fish or chicken,
Pippy lifts her nose up high, her lips she starts a-lickin'.

When it's time to take her nap and rest from having fun,
She spreads out across the deck bathing in the sun.

When autumn leaves fall down and crunch beneath her paws,
She looks up with a startled eye when the blackbird caws.

She likes all kinds of weather, even when the storm winds blow,
And in the winter, leaves her prints across the crested snow.

When in the eve I sit outdoors, I never am alone,
'Cause Pippy climbs into my lap to share my ice cream cone.
(But never chocolate, it's not good for pets!)

When she's done with frolicking, just like a pixie elf,
She can open up the door all by her Pippy self.

If we lived out on a farm, she'd be a barn cat on the go,
But since the city's where we live, Pip plays on our patio.

With her cute black nose and round green eyes that light up like a torch,
I look outside and laugh out loud, there's a Pippy on my porch!

Justifiable Homicide

(to be read in an English dialect)

I sat upon my recliner, sipping a cup of tea, waiting for the doorbell to chime. It did, and I said, “Come in!” In walked Kitty.

“Oh hel-lo Kitty! So good of you to come. Leave Roger, come away with me. You do want to, don't you? Oh Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, sail with me on the Casbah. You will never be happy with Roger, Kitty. You know this in your heart. Why do you resist? I know this causes a dilemma, but we can resolve the dilemma, I know we can!”

Well, Kitty gave in and we proceeded to copulate on the lion-skin rug. All of a sudden the front door flung open wide. In walked Roger.

“Roger old bean,” said I, “this is not what it seems!”

Roger walked over to the fireplace.

“Roger, I don't want to sound inquisitive, but there is no fire in the fireplace,” said I. “Wherefore then, do you have that iron poker in your cluster of whitening knuckles!?!”

A Hundred Degrees in the Shade

[The link at the end of this story is for "Trip Through Your Wires" by U2. I always said that if I ever made a Western, I'd use this song on the soundtrack during the opening credits.]

The blistering sun cooked the man even as he rode. His reddened hands gripped the horn of his saddle, his grizzled chin drooped against his calico shift. The hooves of his paint clicked on the baked red clay, the hypnotic cadence broken only by the screech of a buzzard.

He was deep in an arroyo, petrified mud hills rising hundreds of feet on either side. He lifted his head, dark blue eyes surveying the horizon from under the brim of his hat. They had come out of the wash, the jagged hills tapering down to the plain, and an endless sea of sand opened before him. The cayuse had stopped to listlessly munch at some brittle-bush, and the man allowed one small swallow of hot water from his canteen to pass his parched lips. Only a few mouthfuls more to last for god knows how many evil miles. He untied his kerchief and slapped it against his chaps. He mopped his brow with the red bandanna and retied it around his sunburned neck.

He put his spurs to the sides of his horse and the thirsting animal plodded out onto the sand. They passed giant ocotillo cactuses whipping like neon-green octopi in the hot breath of the desert. They passed towering saguaros hundreds of years old, and agave plants that the Mexicans made tequila from. A pair of hooded orioles wheeled above their adobe nest set amongst the branches of a jumping cholla.

They were about ten miles out from the hills when the feared deathrattle of the desert sat the man bolt upright, his hand pulling the Colt Frontier double-action .45 from its holster by instinct. He pointed and fired, but not before the diamondback struck from behind a prickly pear where it had been shading, hollow fangs tearing the shin of the bewildered, fatigued mustang.

The man jerked his feet from the stirrups and leapt clear of the stricken animal as it collapsed to the ground. He stood and fired, hitting the rattler square in the head. He looked down at his glassy-eyed companion, cursed, and fired again, out of duty.

The man looked at the vista of disintegrated rock, figuring it to be thirty miles more to town. He stared at the dead horse, and suddenly yanked the tooled leather belt from his Levis. He raised the strap over his head and brought it down with a sharp crack against the carcass. He beat the lifeless creature several more times, until it occurred to him that there was no sense to this.

The man gathered what essential gear he could carry; his saddlebags, canteen, and Spenser carbine. He had covered maybe fifteen miles, traveling as best he could by night, when the water ran out. The moon was new and the way was treacherous. It was morning again and the only thing the man knew for sure was that the sun and the sand could outlast him. If he waited again for night, he could rest from the heat, but that meant fourteen hours without being one inch closer to water. He went on for a couple of miles, but when the pitiless sun reached its zenith, he had to stop and take what shelter he could in the lee of a tall Joshua tree.

He went on again that night but when dawn broke he could no longer spit the alkali from his mouth that choked his throat. When a posse came across him, he was feverish and kept muttering about beating a dead horse. The men of the posse tended him, and by dusk the man was recovered enough to tell his tale. They all reckoned the moral to be true, that there was no sense in beating a dead horse, but thought the man's ordeal a high price to pay for the knowledge. The posse rode with the man to town, and all agreed a drink was in order.

The man flung open the slatted doors of the saloon, and there on a bear skin rug, two large bull-mastiffs lay sleeping in front of the fireplace. Ignoring the ancient wisdom that it is best to let sleeping dogs lie, he stormed towards the animals, and said, “I'm gonna wake them sons-a-bitches right up!”


Water turns the wheel
grinding corn into meal,
which is taken by the wife
and baked into the staff of life.
All gather at the table,
as snow settles on the gable.
Father says a prayer to God,
ends Amen, gives a nod,
the warm, fragrant loaf is broken,
while many joyous words are spoken
by children with a happy sound,
for another year's come 'round.
Water turns the wheel
grinding corn into meal.

Druids Dwell

In the ancient day of the Celtic civilization,
In the sacred place where the Druids dwelled
Was the Altar of Sacrifice to the Lords of Evil,
Where the Gods of Darkness, Cold, and Death
Sat on Their thrones and payed tribute to Their Ruler.
And in the depths under the earth,
In His realm of fire and pain and torture,
The Devil lived with His servants of torment,
Demons and witches and gargoyle warriors
Eager to fulfill His smallest demand.

On Midsummer's Eve when the Black Mass is held,
And the spirits worship their King,
A supernatural fear covers the impious sanctum
And a shadowy mist hovers over the earth.
It is then that the evil cults are observed
And the Latin prayers are chanted towards Hell.
And the incantations of the shrouded priest,
With his unseen face and grotesque form,
Are filled with horror and a compelling force
That the living cannot endure
And every part of their bodies break
And their only hope is the God of Heaven
To bring His light, His warmth, His presence,
And destroy the inexplicable rites of the slaves of Satan,
Of Lucifer, their unholy Father.

For God alone can reveal this mystery
Of the burial place of the goodness of Man.
And God is awakened and all His host
And the storm begins for dawn is coming
And the Universe trembles and is filled with awe
And man beholds the fight of the Kings.
In the ancient day of the Celtic civilization,
In the sacred place where the Druids dwelled.


Cacophony of morning birdsong,
Dew on the chemical'd lawn,
Whiskey night
Folk rock in the foggy dawn,
World awakes
Lying await
World dons its business attire,
I retire to dream.
The humid dawn is wet,
So the dream.

Be It Ever So Humble

He reduced speed on his two-wheeled intergalactic cruiser with butterfly handlebars from interstellar to suborbital and gracefully soared up the cracked cement driveway and into the cinderblock spaceport. He shut down the power drive, which got its source from thought waves, and disembarked, dropping the kickstand. He walked around the side of the house, around to the front because he knew mother would be in the kitchen where the back door led.

He walked quickly through the living room, observing the gold sofa, father's matching gold recliner, the dark wood knickknack shelf which displayed mother's valuable vacation souvenirs, the console hi-fi that sounded like shit, the hanging lamp with little amber colored plastic prisms, and the gold carpet his feet were compelled to touch, because he hadn't perfected his levitation suit yet. He didn't like to touch the carpet; mother was wired to the whole house and if you touched anything she could detect you. He noted the absence of plants, animals, or people in the living room, and a velvet painting in an elaborately carved wooden frame of an old Jewish sage in full white whiskers, robed in a white with blue striped tallis, sounding a shofar.

He heard mother in the kitchen fixing dinner. It was Friday night – she would be making roast brisket, kishke, chopped liver, and mandelbrot for dessert. She kept a kosher home. Rabbi would be coming home with father for shabbos dinner. Rabbi was a widower. Children had to wear skull caps and recite the kiddush. This reflected well on father and mother. He hated Friday nights.

He had to pass a doorway that led from the living room to the kitchen. He reached down and activated the invisibility screen on his belt. He silently slipped down the hall past the open bathroom door, smelling the thick, powdery air in the pink tiled porcelain room. He didn't like the bathroom. It made him feel vulnerable, vaguely nauseous. The bathroom could be a torture chamber or dungeon. Father made him eat in there for talking back at the table, and washed his mouth out with soap for saying dirty words.

His hand reached the knob to his room. Shelter. Privacy. He swiftly shut the door, lowered the blinds mother had opened, turned on the blacklight, turned on the music. He lay down on his bed and fired up a joint. He looked at the poster of a dark magical castle on an inaccessible mountain peak rising out of a dense and mysterious forest. A crescent moon hung in an inky sky impaled by a turret. He watched the banners flap in the wind that the storm he knew was coming brewed up. He walked under the shadow of the trees, the hard, cold ground beneath his bare feet, sharp stones embedding in his flesh. Being the son of god on earth was hard work. He was entitled to a rest. That unreachable rest.

He heard bitch little sister come home from school as his will held the planets in their orbits and the cosmos in its forward rotation, no matter how hard the Evil Maldo tried to destroy him. The Evil Maldo – arch rival, equal in power, but far far older. The Evil Maldo was a great overlord commanding servants and spies so that the Web of Maldo was intricately laced and spherically weaved around the universal cortex. The gossamer strands like the scathing strings of an Eolian lyre intertwined with the very life breath of the decaying stage; ignorant actors disappearing through trapdoors and changing roles behind jeweled curtains like kingly robes to carry out the drama:

“To be or not to be? . . .”
And a zillion other questions . . .
And a zillion other quests . . .
And a million billion answers . . .
And a million billion goals . . .
And a million billion zillion stars in the sky . . .

How many times that day had he avoided the Evil Maldo and his spinning feelers only to become entangled in other nerves of the all-encompassing brain who ruled from his throne on a dark planet thousands of lightyears from earth? Yet he had, as always, escaped – barely – to live out another day another second another lifetime. How long would his sword remain sharp, his lance keen enough to repel the advances of the Evil Maldo? Only he stood in the way of the Evil Maldo claiming all existence as his tribute.

He stood with a scythe of silver and sea jade as a sea wall upon a sea mount. A galloping sea horse ridden by a shimmering sea maid with sea green eyes sailed past dancing sea holly as the sea king's slimy sea serpent and baying sea wolves sought to overtake her. As stout as an anchor he smote the wicked sea king's host into sea wrack.


Violent storm, thunder and lightening, shock waves rolling, drowning, sea borne gloamings in sea girt foam of sea lavender as sea eagles mate with sea ravens screeching! . . .

“What is it?” he responded to the knock on the door.

“We're eating!” bitch little sister said.

He set the controls on automatic so that the heavens would not run amok in his absence. He shut off the music, and went out to dinner. “Oh, finally decided to join the human race, huh?” said mother, eliciting a braying laugh from father and a smile from rabbi who believed that when in Rome don't claim to be the messiah.

Being the first born, he was expected to say the blessing over the fruit of the vine, but he did so mechanically, which was appropriate since he sometimes was a robot.

Younger brother also recited kiddush. He scoffed at younger brother. Younger brother was a jock. Younger brother had friends. Younger brother had girlfriends. Younger brother went outside and played. Younger brother didn't have to worry about holding the universe together.

Rabbi said Hamotzi over the challah.

Mother brought food to the linen covered table and everyone set about eating. The flames of the two shabbos candles in their brass candlesticks flickered as she set down the dishes. Younger brother helped himself to the mashed potatoes that mother had served in a china bowl. Usually she served potatoes in the pot they were cooked in. Father asked bitch little sister about school, asked younger brother about sports, asked mother about housewivery. Mother replied, “I polished the silver.” He wondered if she meant the shackles around her neck and ankles and wrists that were obviously the cause of the back pains mother complained about as she slumped around the house stopping occasionally to rub her varicose legs. Mother's breasts were veiny too. Father asked rabbi about religious matters, like the Men's Club Bowling Nite.

He watched himself eat even as he lay upon the safety of his bed surrounded by the music. Who said you can't be in two places at the same time? Father then asked him how school was. “Sucked,” he replied.

He was terrified of school. Everyone there was an agent of the Evil Maldo. School took a lot of energy to get through. After school he would fly to his sanctuary, his intergalactic cruiser with black banana seat traveling at incomprehensible velocities down the avenues of space and time. He would park in the spaceport and retire to his quarters till the next morning when the never ending - never changing parade charade of life forced him into superficial conventionalities. Why couldn't they just let him tend to the universe in peace?

“Dear,” said mother to father, “we've got to do something about that attitude of his.”

“Why don't you take your fucking attitude and stick it!” he shouted at mother.

“Alright! That does it!” yelled father. “Get in your room and don't come out!”

He trembled as he closed the door of his room and turned on the music. He moved his dresser in front of the door. He laid down on his bed and used his psychic electricity to set up a force field. He shut off the automatic controls and took charge of the universe once more. He felt the presence of the Evil Maldo mocking him, tempting him, chiding him, deriding him, twisting his mind. He saw the grinning, leering face of the Evil Maldo hovering in clouds of fog crowned with a halo of fire. He saw, smelt, heard, tasted, and felt the pressure increase and beat upon him, tossing and turning him in his bed, drawing tears from his despair inflicted, despair inflicting eyes.

Loudspeaker blasts of crushing decibels, shouts and anguished screams, monster amplifier headphones of cackling laughter, gunshots through taut eardrums, drumming, pounding, noise, sounds, voice . . .

“Open up, please open the door. I just want to talk to you,” pleaded mother.

He focused his entire psychic radiation into a slashing beam. The beam smote mother in the heart. She stumbled back at the onslaught. Father sensing the intensity of the attack came to her aid.


He quickly drew up the blind, punched out the screen of the window and jumped out into the backyard. He raced around the house to the spaceport, boarded his intergalactic cruiser feeling the strength return to him as he firmly grasped the dirty white handlebar grips. He launched his vehicle out into the night and sailed past the opening back door from which father yelled and mother cried.

He increased speed down the driveway, out into the street. He soared madly past rows of flashing houses cursing everything and everyone to eternal suffering, turned once more to look back at mother, father, younger brother, bitch little sister, rabbi in the driveway.

Turned to meet the oncoming eyes of the Evil Maldo, smiled, said goodbye, and kissed the front end of a Mack truck.

A Thousand Joints of Light

 “Hello, mah name is Druggs. Ah'd like ta know why the Yoo-nited States Govyment has declared war on me. Imagine mah su'prise when Ah herd Mistuh Bush say he wanted a kinder, gentler nation, but we're declarin WAR on Druggs! What Ah'd ever do ta him?

“Bah the way, it's awfly nice a'yall ta welcome me with them big, fancy signs. You know the wuns. Ah seen em all the way inta town on the bus, lit up real purty. DRUGS. But Ah'd think kindly if'n y'all remembered fo the next time, Ah spell my name with two G's.

“And how bout all this testin for Druggs. Ah done gradiated the sixth grade, and my eyesight is better'n a jackrabbit, so what they gonna test me on? And what zactly is a spe-cee-min cup?

“Ah hear they got theyselves a Druggs Czar. Well, hell, Ah'm not even Russian.

“It's also come ta mah attention that some kinda car-tel is involved in traffickin Druggs. Well, Ah seen them smart-alecky city fellas drivin round jawin on them car-tels, but mah ol Chevy taint even got a efem radio.

“And just when ya think things caint get no worser, they'r callin out the Yoo-ess military in their war on Druggs. Ayroplanes, sateelites, submarines, no shit, submarines, helycopters. Ah admit freely ta takin a nip a moonshine every now and agin, but Ah aint no threat ta nobody's vital intrists.

“They'r even educatin kids in the first grade to just say no to me.

“Land-a-Goshen, they say Ah was confiscated by the Po-leece. When Ma herd Ah was confiscated, she give me a double-dose of the remedy.

“And Ah know Ah'm a right fine catch. Ah hit what Ah aims at and Ah don't chaw in the house on Sunday, but Ah ain't worth no hunnerd billion dollars.

“Although, when Ah herd they wanted to stop the flow of Druggs at the source, Ah got ta admit, it made me a little weak in the knees.

“The uther day Ah was playin Go Fish with mah cuzzin, and Ah was passing out the cards. All on a sudden, a bunch of Sheriffs surrounded us on the front porch where we was sittin. A mean-lookin deputy in mirror sunglasses throws me ta the ground and steps on mah neck with his boot. He sticks a .44 in mah ear and says, “You're under arrest for dealin' Druggs!”

“The judge says he wants ta send a message, but since he gimme life in prison, it's gonna be some time befo Ah can deliver it.”


Sun splintered dewdrop rainbows
Concord grapes, musky bloom'd
Fresh loaves, the baker's art
Good porter beer, a dark, sweet brew
And cheese, oh! Cheddar
Sharp and flaxen red

The fine brown herb, spicy and potent

Now it is time to take our fill
Drink chilled Sangria
Cool citrus fruits infuse the wine
Oranges, lemons, limes
Shivering tart, tauntingly sweet

Speckled trout from the swift blue stream
Simmering in butter and lemon and dill
While curious, furtive creatures
From the compelling, lovely forest
Scuttle under the boughs to watch the flames
Flicker and lick

After our meal as afternoon fades
The setting sun bathes us in color
Nibbling on dates and nuts and figs
In each other's arms
In love


"Neanderthal man listened to stories, if one may judge by the shape of his skull. The primitive audience was an audience of shock-heads, gaping around the campfire, fatigued with contending against the mammoth or the woolly rhinoceros, and only kept awake by suspense. What would happen next? The storyteller droned on, and as soon as the audience guessed what happened next, they either fell asleep or killed him."

E.M. Forster

Most Profound Question

The answer to the most profound question in the Universe is that the roll of toilet paper goes over, not under!

Steve's Kitchen Rules

  1. If you can cook with eggs, you'll never starve.
  2. Always assume that everything in a kitchen is hot.
  3. Sharpen your knives.
  4. When in doubt, set the oven at 350 degrees.
  5. You can always add more salt, you can't take it out.
  6. Ditto mayonnaise.
  7. A great cook has ten fingers, a good cook has nine.
  8. The most flavorful seasoning a cook can add to a recipe is love.
  9. The spiciness of a dish should come from flavor not heat.
  10. A recipe that is not shared with others will soon be forgotten but when it's shared, it will be enjoyed by future generations.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Seepage from deep, black, brittle
Experiments which failed
And transformations too hard to find.
"I was overcome and turned to red."
Duster's dust became the sale.
Lucifer the Light. A restless motion
Came to move and then subside.
In endless knocking at the door-
It's time. Tyranny & Mvtation.
Tyranny & Mvtation.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. People say they are entitled to their opinion. This is not so, people are entitled to an informed opinion. They maintain that one opinion is as good as another. I say that if you are arguing celestial mathematics with Albert Einstein, your opinion is NOT as good.

Self Image

I also believe that all human action (thereby, all human history) is based on self-image. That a human being will do ANYTHING to protect and maintain that self-image. And that any threat, real or perceived, to that self-image will be responded to exponentially.

Danger Will Robinson

A wise man once said (okay, it was actually Will Robinson on Lost in Space) that love is kindness, trust and respect. But I would add one more, consistency.

Patriot's Day

I've been watching the news coverage out of Boston, and I've got to say, the fish stinks from the head down. Patriot's Day. The running of the Boston Marathon. Cheers of joy and victory. Then chaos. Two brothers. Chechen "terrorists." Then "the biggest manhunt in U.S. history." Martial law.

This is all too coincidental, just a little too pat. There have been dangerous, extremely dangerous, men at large before. Bank robbers, escaped felons, drug kingpins, rogue cops. This is clearly a government black ops exercise to test whether a major metropolitan city can be neutralized. Whether the American populace will willing accept door to door searches by heavily armed tactical officers.

Is this another failure of our national security apparatus to prevent a "terrorist" attack on U.S. soil, or is it another victory for the tyrannical forces that control our government?

For further analysis of Boston "false flag" go to:


Dishes, dishes piled high
Plates and bowls reach to the sky
A stack of caked on pots and pans
And overflowing garbage cans
Cobwebbed corners, dust and grime
Greasy counters, hardscale lime
Clutter, clutter everywhere
Leaves me in a deep despair
I've lost my legs, I cannot clean
My family thinks that I am mean
Because I bitch and nag and moan
When all I want is pride in home
This is not a personal attack
I just want my kitchen back

Jesus of Nazareth

This evening, Jesus of Nazareth and a small band of travelers will gather to celebrate the Passover. He will speak of a new covenant. He will have a moment of doubt. This moment will pass. He will be taken in the dead of night by the authorities. He will be beaten with whips and fists. He will be mocked and scorned and summarily executed.

He lived in a time of war, brutality, hatred, military occupation, political and religious divisiveness, incurable disease, abject poverty, greed, shifting loyalties, and hidden agendas. And yet in the face of this barbarism, the powers that be, so feared his simple message, that they felt compelled to destroy him.

His message was, is, and always will be, love.


A quote from the book John F. Kennedy by Alan Brinkley:

The nation, the Supreme Court has said, has "no right to expect that it will always have wise and humane rulers, sincerely attached to the principles of the Constitution. Wicked men, ambitious of power, with hatred of liberty and contempt of law, may fill the place once occupied by Washington and Lincoln."


I ran across a quote by Albert Einstein from 1955 regarding the arms race and the development of nuclear weapons. But as I read it, it occurred to me that it applied to the Republican Party and the upcoming presidential election. Einstein wrote: "There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We appeal, as human beings, to human beings: Remember your humanity and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new paradise; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal death."

William R. Dunn Attorney at Law

I was recently reminded of a story about my dad, so I thought I'd share it:

A good friend of our family goes into a bar and sees a friend of his sitting at the bar, hanging his head down over his drink. Our friend asks, What's the matter? and the guy replies, Well, I'm going thru a divorce and my wife's lawyer is a total bastard. Every day it's something new. The guy is raking me over the coals. By the time he's finished, I wont have a penny left to my name. I just can't take it anymore.

Our friend says, Don't worry. I know a guy, a friend of mine that's a lawyer. He's the most ruthless son of a bitch out there. He'll stop at nothing. He'll rip your wife's lawyer a new one.

The friend lets out a big sigh and says, Thanks, that's just what I need, what's the lawyer's name?

Our friend says, Bill Dunn.

The guy shouts out, Oh no! That's my wife's lawyer!

End of story....

Push Girls

"I really like her."

"Which one?"


Love. Betrayal. Drama. Getting what you want out of life isn’t easy - especially while using a wheelchair.

Push Girls can be seen on the Sundance Channel

Every Woman Deserves

Every woman deserves a man who calls her “honey”; kisses her like he means it; holds her like he never wants to let her go; doesn't CHEAT or LIE; wipes her tears when she cries; wipes her tears when she laughs; doesn't make her jealous of other women, and instead makes other women jealous of her; isn't scared to let his friends know how he really feels about her; never lets her forget how beautiful she is; makes her feel like a teenager every time he looks at her; lets her know how much he really loves her; and makes a promise that she will have a friend for life.

Paraphrased from

Transverse Myelitis

TRANSVERSE MYELITIS is a neurological disease that can affect any age or gender. The body's immune system attacks the spinal nerve coating, creates a lesion, and basically shorts it out. A person is affected from the lesion down. Why the immune system attacks its own body is usually unknown. Extreme pain, paralysis, numbness, bowel and bladder problems, sexual dysfunction, muscle spasms, fatigue, odd sensory feelings in the affected area, and weakness in the limbs, are some of the typical symptoms. Approximately 2 to 5 people per million develop TM, with 15 to 40 percent of them developing Multiple Sclerosis. As of this time, there is NO cure.


We never had a pet growing up, but as soon as I left college and got my own apartment, I more than made up for it. Cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, birds. I have enjoyed and loved them all, and have learned so much about myself, nature and life from them. They have distinct personalities, they have keen senses of humor, they think, they feel, they are self aware, they love, they have souls. People who have pets live longer, healthier, happier lives. They are so much more attuned to the world around us than we are. They understand language. They are not children, but they are members of the family. And our lives are richer for having them.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013