
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

William R. Dunn Attorney at Law

I was recently reminded of a story about my dad, so I thought I'd share it:

A good friend of our family goes into a bar and sees a friend of his sitting at the bar, hanging his head down over his drink. Our friend asks, What's the matter? and the guy replies, Well, I'm going thru a divorce and my wife's lawyer is a total bastard. Every day it's something new. The guy is raking me over the coals. By the time he's finished, I wont have a penny left to my name. I just can't take it anymore.

Our friend says, Don't worry. I know a guy, a friend of mine that's a lawyer. He's the most ruthless son of a bitch out there. He'll stop at nothing. He'll rip your wife's lawyer a new one.

The friend lets out a big sigh and says, Thanks, that's just what I need, what's the lawyer's name?

Our friend says, Bill Dunn.

The guy shouts out, Oh no! That's my wife's lawyer!

End of story....

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