
Friday, November 15, 2013

9-1-1 - Please State Your Emergency . . .

We've all heard the Thanksgiving horror stories - turkeys still frozen solid on Thanksgiving morning, beautifully browned birds dropped on the floor, gravy more thick and lumpy than the mashed potatoes - but this one beats them all.

Some years ago, my brother was a sales rep at a major insurance company. This is how he relates the story:

"The day after Thanksgiving a client called and asked if his homeowners insurance covered burning down his next-door neighbor's garage. Apparently he had a goose on his rotisserie grill for Thanksgiving dinner, and the grease caused the bird to start on fire. He removed the spit and started waving the flaming goose around trying to put the fire out. The goose flew off the spit and landed on the neighbor's garage roof. The grease started the roof on fire and burned the garage down."

This story is so visual. I can see the poor guy panicking and waving the flaming goose back and forth in the effort to put it out. I can picture the look of abject terror on his face as he watched his glorious dinner arcing majestically across the clear, blue sky and then exploding like an artillery shell!

I can only imagine the wide-eyed, speechless neighbor ripped away from his culinary and gridiron bliss by blaring sirens in his driveway. The fire trucks. The hoses. The police directing traffic. The stopped motorists and people from up and down the block gawking.

He was covered.

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