
Monday, February 24, 2014

Kill Crazy

To my mind, there are a lot worse crimes that can be done to a person than murder. Grievous bodily assault that leaves a person crippled. Torture that leaves a person disfigured in an empty shell. Brutal rape that leaves psychic scars that never heal. But all of our laws, religious tenets, and cultural morals, consider murder to be numero uno. Thou Shalt Not Kill.

But why? Even a cursory look at history shows that the thing humans are best at is killing each other. And studies show that when all the BS is stripped away, the one thing that everyone who has ever killed another person agrees on, is that it was fun.

That's the big secret. That's why the government and organized religion are so strident about not slaying your fellow man. Once you get a taste of how fun it is, you're hooked. Psychologists say that killing stimulates the same pleasure centers in the brain as sex and drugs. Killing is a narcotic. Killing is an addiction.

But it is a high that the government reserve unto itself.

Through sending youngsters to war in foreign lands, watching on big screen TV's in real-time as drones blow up neighborhoods, or raffling off tickets to the viewing room at capital punishments, the powers-that-be love the thrill of killing. Oh they'll deny it. Wrap it up in fancy legal rhetoric citing justice and retribution.

Meanwhile, the people eat it up. Salivating. Vicariously mainlining as the 'bad guy' is put to death, either at the end of an M16 carbine or the tip of a needle.

The problem is that now there are so many people with a badge and a gun wanting to get in on the fun. Psychologists also point out that most psychopaths and serial killers start out by killing animals. Run a simple search on the Internet and see the number of articles about cops shooting family pets during home invasions. This being the case, can we be far behind? I support our troops, but not when they come home and join law enforcement with the same attitude and tactics against us as those used in the narrow streets of Baghdad and Kabul.

Wars of empire must stop. Computer game warfare must stop. Capital punishment must stop. Tyranny must stop. The violation of our homes, the oppression in our streets, and the murder of our two-legged and four-legged family members must stop.

Coming soon to a street near you.

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