
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Batter Up

I had no idea that today is International Pancake Day.

Had I known, I would have written a blog about the history and significance of the celebration, which, of course, can be traced back to pagan times.

If you wish to learn about the relationship between pancakes and Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season), visit the following Wikipedia site:

In lieu of a full-blown treatise on the day, I will instead relate a classic family story about my father.

He went into a Bakers Square restaurant by himself for a quick lunch between morning court and seeing clients in the afternoon. He ordered a tuna salad sandwich, which was merely a prelude to the real reason he was there. The waiter asked if he would like anything else, and my dad said, yes. He'd like a slice of his favorite dessert - key lime pie. The waiter sadly informed him that they did not have any.

Somewhat dismayed, my father said, well in that case, I'll have some lemon meringue, to which the waiter replied, I'm sorry we don't have that either.

Thoroughly disgusted, he then barked out, just give me a piece of apple a la mode. When the waiter answered that all they had was blueberry or cherry, my dad noisily paid his bill, leaving no tip, and vowing that he'd never eat there again.

He stormed out to his car, threw it into gear, and glanced up at the store marquee which said -


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