
Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Celebration of Life

Happy National Cancer Survivors Day!

I'm not sure "happy" is the right word for National Cancer Survivors Day, because everyone who is a survivor had to undergo some aspect of diagnosis, surgery, chemo, radiation, and healing. All too often this is accompanied by job loss, financial hardship, and bankruptcy (even with insurance). Depression is commonplace.

I am a two-time survivor. My first experience was with testicular cancer. I had my right testicle removed, and during radiation treatment, I had to encapsulate my (remaining) private parts in a lead ball.

I finished treatment for my second go-round, this time with lymphoma, in February. Since I am a paraplegic from an unrelated disease, I had the added burden of traveling to and from the hospital (several counties away from my home) every day, and transferring onto and off off exam and treatment tables from my wheelchair.

Thankfully I am well, all things considered. I am surrounded by love from my family, friends, wife, sons, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, and cat. I am grateful every single day for my home, food on the table, and ability to express my thankfulness with others.

Every cancer survivors' journey is unique, yet we, and our caregivers, share a bond of empathy and compassion. So, by that token, I will wish my brethren and sisters who have fought and won the battle with the Big C, a Happy National Cancer Survivors Day. (The Official Website of National Cancer Survivors Day )

1 comment:

  1. I have unending respect and admiration for you and all individuals and families who are battling cancer - and, as painful and ugly as it gets, look upon the rising sun each day with joy and motivation to appreciate all they've got and to keep on truckin
