
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Suicide By Accommodating Cop

You know, I'm getting really pissed off. I can post some stupid pun or joke on Facebook, and a dozen or more people respond, but I post about a student being killed by campus security, and only one good friend takes the trouble to click on Like.

Additional information has surfaced, that police responded to a 911 call about a person with a knife, and possibly a gun. That call was made BY the deceased student themself. And the only weapon found at the scene (and the student's residence) was a small blade that was part of a utility knife.

Last night, on the Atlanta campus, a small vigil was held. After the vigil ended, and the students went home, another protest formed, this one ending by the storming of a police station, and setting a patrol car on fire.

Police aren't saying whether the protesters were students or outsiders, namely Antifa (who I support), but I have my suspicions.

This was suicide by cop, and another under-trained, overzealous, asshole was only too happy to oblige.

Yes, HAPPY! Trigger-happy.

Did you know that killing stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain as sex and drugs? Well, it does.

People like to kill people. That's no big secret or surprise. What a rush it must be to end another person's life. The power. Especially when you have immunity from the law.

Killing without consequence - sweet!

I have the right to be on Facebook, until they can find a reason to kick me off (and believe me, they've tried before).

I have IMPLORED the people on my contact list to UNFRIEND me, if they don't want to see or comment on my posts. I'd rather have ten loyal friends than ninety-three Friends, who aren't.

I know everyone's busy. You all have your own lives. That's fine, so do I. But I know one family who will have to take time out of their busy schedules to attend their child's funeral.

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