
Monday, August 5, 2013

Texas Murders 2 Year Old Girl

It's every parent's worst nightmare. Heavily armed police show up at your door and forcibly remove your daughter, who is barely a toddler, from your home. The state places her in foster care, and the foster mother brutally murders her. The police arrest the woman, but whatever sentence is meted out down the road, is small consolation for the grieving family and the life never to be fulfilled

Meanwhile, the authorities at the police department, the Department of Family and Protective Services, the private company that the state contracts with to vet foster care applications, the state legislature, the federal legislature, and the White House go merrily on their way, untouchable and unaccountable.

Your offense for which your child was taken away? Smoking a joint in your living room while the child slept in her bed.

Apparently if you smoke a little pot in Texas, the authorities murder your children. The photo below shows Joshua Hill of Round Rock, Texas, with his baby daughter Alexandria. The two year old child was removed from her parents' custody because the parents smoked a small amount of marijuana in the house while the child slept. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services placed the child in foster care, and after Mr. Hill repeatedly warned authorities of suspected abuse at the hands of the foster parents, little Alex was rushed to the emergency room because the so-called foster mother slammed Alex's head into the floor. Alex died.

The entire governmental structure of this country and their heavily armed legions of deputized thugs are systematically destroying every family in America, one by one. Whether it is a humane officer who enters a backyard and shoots a litter of kittens in front of the family children, or a parent who has their child removed at gunpoint and subsequently murdered, those entrusted to protect and serve, and uphold the Constitution, have become an engine of terror. Those who sit back and say it can never happen to me, or I just don't want to know, have a very rude awakening coming.

KVUE News photo by Matt Olsen

You can read the entire story at the following link:

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