
Monday, January 9, 2017

F'ing Asshole

The f'ing asshole about to become president has not even taken office yet, and he is already tearing this country and individual families apart. Including mine.

It is abundantly clear there will be no "coming together." There will be no free exchange of ideas. I do not hold with the far left any more than I hold with the far right, but there is just no reasoning with Trump supporters. They are either idiots or evil, and in the case of the new cabinet, both. I was willing to at least try to give people who voted for Trump the benefit of the doubt. I did not unfriend anyone, and with the holidays, I had better things to think about, write about, and do.

But now that 2017 is upon us, those evil idiots who continue to support Trump, after seeing his actions, and his intentions laid bare, are f'ing assholes. I know Trump supporters get riled up (as well they should) about these analogies, but Hitler was an f'ing asshole, and because we do not remember the names of the f'ing assholes who flung live children into blast furnaces, does not make them any less of f'ing assholes.

Unfortunately this includes the younger of my two sons. He carefully, calmly, and rationally explained to me why he voted for Trump. He explained to me why I voted for Hillary, just assuming I had done so. He explained that we were both doing what we thought was best for his children and my grandchildren. I came to the conclusion that he's an f'ing asshole.

Let me interject here with two thoughts. For the next four years, writing about politics will bring me great joy. Toward the end of Colbert's run on Comedy Central, he made an app available that changes the name Trump to Drumpf on my computer screen. Across all news outlets and social media, if someone else writes Trump, if you write Trump, if I write Trump on my own posts and blogs, it appears to me as Drumpf. I think it's hilarious every time I see it.

The second thought is that when I say my own son is an f'ing asshole, many people would quickly point out that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. As everyone who knows me can attest, of this there can be no doubt.

My wife thinks I'm being an f'ing asshole, but she always thinks that. She wants no part of it, and can't fathom how I could let politics divide our family.

I didn't feel it would serve any purpose to mention that politics had a long and healthy history of dividing families - the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and the Vietnam War coming to mind.

Is this moment any less portentous? I think not, and therein lies the rub.

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