
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Terrorism Comes Home (Grown)

I've been silent pretty much since Trump was sworn in (and believe me, I did a lot of swearing), but I've wanted to say something for a long time, and now seems appropriate. The events in Charlottesville have torn it. Mark my words, the next clash will involve guns.

After the election, I posted an invitation on my Facebook page for people who voted for Trump to Unfriend me - no questions asked. No one took me up on the offer. This says much about the integrity of my friends - on both sides of the political aisle. Yesterday, I posted some quotes that did not look kindly on Republicans, and lo and behold, someone Unfriended me. I have no idea who. (Although I know who didn't.)

I now renew my offer. And just to be clear, I am no longer even talking about people who VOTED for Trump. That's water under the bridge. I am now talking about people who still SUPPORT Trump. That is intolerable to me (and no, I have no intention of debating the irony). He is NOT my president. And this IS my country.

I have far more invested in this society than these bozos who run around shouting Sieg Heil. Except these guys aren't clowns. They are TERRORISTS being used as a political base for the current presidential regime and the cynical money players behind it.

As Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe said, referring to the  white supremacists, "Let's be honest, they need to leave America, because they are not Americans."

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