
Monday, July 8, 2013

Magnum Opus

Money and power. The money and power to control governments, armies. The money and power to buy people, enslave people, kill people. The power to shield the money. The power to hand down the money to heirs unencumbered. Vast riches and unassailable power for the privileged few, the elite, the royal houses, the central bankers, the transnational corporate heads, the political dynasties, the arms merchants, the media tycoons, the oil sheiks, the Pope.

At the close of WWII, with Europe crawling out of the rubble and Japan stumbling listlessly through the radioactive ashes, the world was partitioned in such a way as to insure the greatest tension. The State of Israel was established in the Middle East, displacing the Palestinians and engendering the enmity of the entire Arab nation. Germany and Europe fell under realms of influence pitting hemispheres against each other with the threat of nuclear annihilation. Africa was turned over to tribal warlords and heavily armed with modern weapons. India and Pakistan, historically bitter enemies were given nuclear capability. South America became a continent of petty dictatorships backed by the exiled Nazi leadership and their looted fortunes. China, whose culture expounded the long view, slowly amassed an army of one billion soldiers in arms. These divisions guaranteed a world in perpetual warfare, chaos, and fear.

The returning veterans, now battle-hardened and worldly-wise, and the newly independent female workforce who had waged the war on the homefront, rightly demanded their fair share of the American Dream. An affluent and deeply invested middle-class arose. The Suburban Lifestyle was made manifest. People pursued educational opportunities, went into business and procured well-paying, safe, factory and labor jobs. Everyone drove cars, each succeeding model, more streamlined than the last. People took pride in their new tract houses. The Baby Boom was born. Life was good. And overshadowing all was a Communist adversary with its finger on the button.

Everything that followed was smoke and mirrors. The citizens were told and came to believe that only a massively armed big central government could protect them. Constant conflict assured that each succeeding generation of young men, potentially the greatest threat to the established power structure, were indoctrinated or killed in battle. The government embarked on a course of misdirection, what some now call “false flags.” A non-stop barrage of engineered crises were designed to keep the people off kilter. A mainstream omnimedia, in collusion with the government, was instituted using the new medium of television, the most psychologically effective instrument of propaganda then devised. The government began to insinuate itself into social issues, blurring the line between church and state, and sending out mixed signals, knowing that people would rally around polar camps.

A strong middle-class fueling an economic engine never before seen in human history, ensured that the government had the resources to fund a military-industrial complex without bounds. Army intelligence units morphed into new far-reaching organizations, tasked with stopping the Red Spread. Life went on, and as America enjoyed new leisure outlets and a future that looked nothing but bright, the hidden designs moved forward. But as the postwar children began to come of age, inequalities and injustices in the fabric of American society became apparent. The pseudo-scandalous gyrations of the King of Rock and Roll were giving way to a band from Liverpool. American teenagers were being taken from their intercity apartments and rural farms and sent thousands of miles away to a place called Viet Nam. White college students marched alongside impoverished blacks and were met by firehoses, attack dogs and riot police wielding clubs and boots. Local law enforcement covered up and condoned lynchings, bombings of churches, and murders. A young, vibrant President was assassinated. His brother was assassinated. A black civil rights leader, a proponent of peaceful demonstration, a clergyman who held a doctorate, a man who gave passion and voice to the conscience of a nation was assassinated. Youth turned to drugs as a way of interconnecting and espoused peace and love as a solution to mankind's ills. Unfortunately the Summer of Love crashed in on itself with killings at an outdoor music festival and the National Guard firing into an unarmed campus rally.

Leaving the dashed hopes for a better world behind, their thoughts turned closer to home and the new mantra of making money and the pursuit of personal pleasure replaced more altruistic ideals. The upcoming youth looked around and saw a country bereft of direction and leadership. A President forced from office in disgrace declared that he was not a crook. Another President with the best of intentions asked the nation for forgiveness because he had lust in his heart. The divisions crippling the country became entrenched amidst a shallow, soulless decade. The music to which the teenagers turned was succumbing to corporate packaging. America was ripe for the plucking.

The 80's ushered in a new President, a straight talking, shoot from the hip actor turned politician who rode into office on a revolutionary mandate. Meanwhile, a revolution of a different sort had exploded in Persia and American hostages languished in captivity. The old order was over. The business of America was America. Now on a global scale, the resources and entire wealth of the planet would be placed in a few private hands and the rest of us could live on the trickle down crumbs of the incomprehensibly rich. Deregulation of banks, pollution standards, food safety and consumer product protections, pharmaceutical companies and investment markets paved the way for the abuses that now threaten humanity itself. The 80's saw the rise of the greatest peacetime arms buildup in history, employing state of the art technology to develop space based missile defense systems. People learned to live with nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers bristling with enormous firepower, stealth fighters, multiple warhead intercontinental ballistic missiles, military spy satellites, and neutron bombs designed to minimize property damage and maximize human damage. At the same time, the 80's also saw the explosion of hard drug use, especially cocaine. The government ostensibly embarked on a war on drugs, yet cocaine was a resource to be exploited along with everything else, and the tremendous profits were again consolidated into the hands of the few most ruthless enough to reach out and grasp it.

The orchestrated fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR, set the stage for the globalist endgame. The first demonstration of America's new role as the only remaining world superpower came in the early 90's. A U.S. led coalition squared off against another Mideast foe fielding the world's 4th largest army and an array of chemical and biological weapons. The dictator boasted that it would be “the mother of all wars.” The coalition response played on TV like a video game. The rapt audience watched in “shock and awe” as smart bombs zeroed in on targets with pinpoint accuracy. Newscasters reporting from hotel rooftops with flashing tracer rounds as a backdrop became family members as they appeared around the clock with casualty figures and reports of ground advances toward the capital. The conflict came to a bewildering and unsatisfying end when the forces were ordered to pull back and the dictator was left in place.

With the show now over, the American people again used their collective remote control to change channels. A hip, saxophone playing President with a celebrity cast around him and a politically savvy First Lady led the country through an economic surge and a federally balanced budget. If it just weren't for those pesky financial scandals, escalating terrorist incidents, rumors of interns earning their Presidential knee pads, and continuous calls for impeachment. With the proliferation of personal computers and this thing called the Internet, plus nationwide cable television, the mindset was not to see what was on, but to see what else was on. Accordingly, America insisted on more entertainment to feed its insatiable hunger for distraction. In the next highly contested election for who would become the most powerful man on Earth, it came down to one state, governed by the brother of the candidate that would eventually win, and a court fight over hanging chads (Google it). This new President, the son of the former President who first informed the world of an impending New World Order, came into office amidst a storm of controversy. His Vice President wielded an inordinate amount of power and controlled the White House from behind the scenes.

Then something happened. It would come to be known as “9/11.” It was the most daring and audacious maneuver in the NWO conspiracy to date. A perceived terrorist attack on U.S. soil would claim over three thousand lives. Americans sat glued to their TV's in stunned silence as the horror unfolded. There was a period of uncertainty and a rising tide of anger. As predicted, America turned as one to the President demanding action, war, revenge, and bloodshed. And they were willing to give the government carte blanche to do it. Tears and recriminations would come later. The White House submitted to Congress a bill suspending America's freedoms, that had already been written before September 11th. Congress was only too glad to quickly pass these draconian measures so as not to look weak in front of their constituents. These curtailments of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution were cynically named the Patriot Act, thereby insuring that anyone who questioned or opposed these laws would be labeled by de facto, traitorous, treasonous, or worst of all unpatriotic. Search and arrest without warrant, indefinite detainment without charge, questioning without legal representation, rendition to Eastern European black sites, countenanced torture, and sanctioned murder, of American citizens as well as foreign nationals, were just some of the newly minted authorities the government now enjoyed.

And back to war we did go. As the new millennium struggled through its birth pains, blood soaked into the sands of Afghanistan and Iraq, blood that continues to flow thirteen years later. The War on Terror would be fought by new rules, which were basically no rules at all. American foreign policy had one objective: American Imperialism. But this expansionism by military might had a cost, the bankruptcy of our country and the indebtedness of our children to China for generations to come. What the vast majority of people do not realize is that as part of our peace treaty with England after the Revolution, the colonials had to repay the Crown and English banks and investors for the property lost due to the separation. Since the colonies had no cash, they used the land itself as collateral. When seeking loans from China, and the land already indentured, the only collateral the Federal government had was the citizens of the United States. Each Social Security number was viewed as an income asset based on a lifetime of earning potential. Meanwhile, with Washington's and the Federal Reserve's blessing, Wall Street looted the world's economies for their own short term gain. The war against the middle class intensified. The “Big Squeeze” was on.

By the end of the decade, the American people were so fed up with the shenanigans of the Republican Party and their rich corporate cronies, that a young, black, junior Senator from Illinois would sweep the Democratic primaries and ride on a tide of change into the White House. What very few people in the general population knew was that America and the world were about to plunge into the worst economic abyss since the Great Depression. Although it would be called “The Great Recession,” and the numbers and rhetoric skewed to hide the depth of the collapse, the country and particularly the middle class reeled. Jobs lost, homes foreclosed, retirement savings wiped out, futures destroyed. The hopes placed in a new Captain of the Ship of State would quickly be dashed against the shoals of a trillion dollar bailout of the nation's most corrupt banking giants. That's $1,000,000,000,000.00, a staggering sum that will have to be paid back to foreign banks with interest by our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The nation's Chief Executive Officer would ramrod through in his early days a controversial and encyclopaedic overhaul of the country's broken health care system. The true consequences for good or ill of this massive and unfathomable legislation will not be known for a decade. His political goodwill was used up many times over in the backroom deal-making it took to get this bill passed through Congress. The rest of his first term would see unprecedented political infighting, obstructionism, stagnation and stalemate in the effort to salvage the nation's financial affairs, and a thoroughly disgusted and alienated populace. The Republicans then inexplicably ran a campaign based on excluding almost every demographic community: African Americans, Hispanics, gays, seniors, women, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, youths, liberals, the poor, the middle class, and even other Republicans.

The Commander-in-Chief won reelection and immediately embarked on a policy of worldwide military aggression both overt and covert. American troops are now stretched across the globe. In tandem with the aggression abroad, an even more insidious aggression was being waged at home. Meta data profiling, surveillance and facial recognition patterning, monitoring and recording all forms of private communications, threatening journalists with imprisonment or worse, and crushing peaceful assembly with armed force and provocateuring (the practice of the authorities inserting an operative into a gathering to deliberately provoke a police response). Homeland Security operates without oversight or restraint and wields unimaginable power. DHS can deploy hard military weaponry including main battle tanks and attack helicopters, and armed forces personnel, because contrary to popular notion, posse comitatus only applies to State's rights, not individual rights. The government has at its disposal such “non-lethal” weapons as water cannons, rubber bullets and tasers, plus newer devices such as microwave and sonic cannons, chemical weapons like tear gas on steroids, biological weapons capable of causing anything from violent vomiting to pandemics, drones, and the paramilitary forces of the National Guard, federal agencies, state troopers, county sheriffs, and uniformed police.

Through a 68 year program of intimidation and indoctrination the tyranny is upon us. A policy implemented by the post 9/11 Bush Administration and expanded by the Obama regime has been the fundamental shift in attitude by law enforcement at all levels to respond to every interaction with the public with overwhelming force and aggression. News stories of officers shooting household pets, arresting bystanders for videotaping police activities, pulling service weapons during routine traffic stops, treating crime victims like criminals, and operating under the premise that all citizens are criminals, terrorists or cop killers are reported daily. For better or worse, domestic police forces are becoming more and more comprised of ex-military personnel. In theory this sounds like a good thing except they carry the same mindset into the suburbs that they did with enemy combatants in a war zone. The abuses of the DEA, TSA, ATF, IRS, and other agencies are well documented. Whistleblowers are hounded, imprisoned and killed. Journalists are hounded, imprisoned and killed. Protesters are rounded up en masse at peaceful rallies and the leaders are hounded, imprisoned and killed. Those licensed by the state, reputedly by the will of the governed, to protect and serve, have become kill crazy.

As the war of intimidation takes place, the war of indoctrination weaves its tendrils throughout the body politic. If you have nothing to hide you have no need for privacy. If you are a law abiding citizen you need have no fear of the authorities. If you play it safe and stick with the winning team you and yours will be safe. If you give up your guns you will be protected by those sanctioned to carry guns. As you are rounded up and sent to FEMA camps you will be fed and sheltered. Paranoid you say. Conspiracy nut you say. Can never happen here you say. Ask a Native American. Ask a European Jew.

Knowledge has wounded the global power structure. But a wounded animal is very, very dangerous. When backed into a corner it will lash out and attack blindly with tooth and claw reckless of its own regard. The Patriot Act gives the government the unilateral authority to silence even peaceful dissent. When the crackdown comes, its first targets will be the keyboard warriors, writers of blogs such as this, contributors to alternative news sources, and anyone who through written or oral private communication tripped an NSA flag by mentioning one of thousands of key words programmed into the supercomputers. Children will watch helplessly while parents are beaten and dragged away. Parents will watch helplessly while children are removed by heavily armed tactical officers. Sons and brothers will simply disappear never to be seen again. The exercise of the 1st Amendment and the right of freedom of speech are now by law in this country acts of sedition. Simply expressing these thoughts and sharing them with others who might be interested is a criminal act. Even thinking these thoughts makes me guilty of conspiracy to commit sedition, an act punishable by life in prison or death by hanging.

Quite frankly, the government believes it can get away with it. They are so disdainful of our ability to stop them because they have at their beck and call millions of highly trained and motivated killing machines battle tested in the house to house fighting of Bosnia and Iraq and on the mean streets of Detroit and LA. The global NWO shadow government draws on an international cadre of skilled mercenaries and security contractors to enforce its will. And always lurking in the shadows are those who control the surveillance and intelligence apparatus, the ghosts, the spooks, the black-ops denizens of the netherworld who do the wet work against individuals and nations and are beholden to no temporary figurehead, and are a law and a world unto themselves.

We are at a convergence. History shows periods of incredible human enlightenment followed by long arcs of darkness and oppression. Mankind is on the cusp of a universal awakening towards freedom, not democracy, freedom. The “Arab Spring,” uprisings in Egypt, the Balkans, Turkey, Brazil, Russia, all show people looking governments in the eye and saying we know what you're doing, we know what you've done, we know what you're trying to do, and we're not going to let you do it any more. And the entrenched powers-that-be are reacting very badly. There is much talk about the singularity, which refers to a convergence of another sort, a scientific convergence, the point where technology supersedes its creators and creates its own technology. DARPA and its university and corporate proxies are on the threshold of realizing true artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, gene manipulation in humans, animals and plants, weaponized superviruses, robotics, chemical mind control introduced through our food and water supplies, and breakthroughs in even more esoteric disciplines. With the technological breakthroughs and human awakening that are now taking place, Earth is facing a new day of wonder, or a dark night of oppression without hope.

But we must be wary. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and when it comes to the United States government and its history of secrets on top of secrets, all we may ever have is a little knowledge. This is even more problematic due to government psy-ops, psychological operations. Misdirection, misinformation, disinformation, psychological manipulation, public relations, mass marketing, and propaganda have been used to so great an effect that considered debate and compromise are impossible. There have always been voices in the wilderness crying out the truth, but these are all to easy to discredit in front of an audience raised by the sound of a laugh track. And this is the soft soap of “brainwashing.” The abrasive cleansers are much more nefarious. Fluoride is a proven neurotoxin that affects the brain centers associated with free will and suggestibility. Chemicals that leach out of plastics used for water bottles and food packaging destroy neural synapses. Heavy metals in the environment are a leading cause of mental impairment, (and I'm not talking about the heavy metal that parents say cause mental impairment in their teenagers). These are just the most obvious examples. Seven decades of mind control experiments using chemical and pharmaceutical agents on volunteers and unwitting populations alike give the government tremendous options in psychological warfare.

Surely the most educated country on the planet couldn't fall for such tactics. Except that we aren't. Not even close. We were. Our best and brightest, wearing pocket protectors and black hornrims, put men on the moon with sliderules and pencils. Perhaps the most dangerous and far reaching psy-op is the social engineering of our educational system and the “dumbing down” of America. The U.S. Department of Education, using the withholding of federal funds to coerce compliance, has forced state school boards to adopt standardized testing, revisionist textbooks, politically correct curricula, the elimination of art, music, and even sports programs, and the “No Child Left Behind” doctrine that in fact leaves every child behind.

Mainstreaming special needs students takes away the individualized services that these children desperately need to succeed. Placing these children in already overcrowded classrooms with teachers who are not specifically trained in special education takes time away from regular course studies. Too often parents are literally forced to put their children on powerful psychotropic drugs such as Ritalin. The individuality of teaching methods that were once the hallmark of American education, are now subject to termination, lawsuits, and criminal prosecution. From poor intercity blacks and Hispanics to poor rural whites, these policies once again most affect those least in a position to react. The outcome is that we have students becoming adults, entering the marketplace and voting pool, without basic reading, math, and science skills, and complete ignorance of history; entire generations who do not know how to learn, have no desire to learn, and most dismaying, do not know how to think for themselves.

And let me be clear on this next point. Higher education should be free. Let me repeat that. Higher education should be free. There is no greater threat to our national security than a population devoid of 21st Century knowledge, creativity, and the ability to confront the extremely complex moral issues that technology and globalization will present. To saddle college graduates with high interest debts that can take decades to pay off and are not dischargable even in bankruptcy, insures that our country's best minds are nothing but indentured servants to the government. Of course, common sense guidelines should prevail. College students would be expected to demonstrate proficiency and progress. Vocational training should be much more affordable and accessible than it currently is. Online educational opportunities should be expanded. Basic laptop computers should be made available to low income applicants through a joint government-business venture. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson: An informed citizenry is the last bulwark against tyranny.

The dumbing down of America is only one thrust of a multi-pronged attack against the middle-class. A hidden agenda of depopulation is underway. The government controls the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath. And it is all poison. America is sick. The healthcare system is powerless to deal with the onslaught. Their only answer is to pump us full of drugs that do not cure, but only mask symptoms. These drugs have side effects that are treated with more drugs that also have side effects, further poisoning our bodies and our biosphere. Nature fights back with drug resistant bacteria and viruses. New diseases rear their ugly heads daily, with an alarming preponderance of neurological disorders. Agri-business giants feed our food animals, our cows, pigs, chickens, with meat byproducts, corn genetically modified to release pesticides and resist herbicides, and growth hormones. To reduce the loss of livestock from adverse living conditions, huge doses of antibiotics are routinely administered. Our eggs contain salmonella, our fish contains mercury, our milk contains toxins harmful to children, our fruits and vegetables contain fertilizers that cannot be removed by washing in the kitchen sink. Then the government passes laws protecting these worldwide agricultural conglomerations from government regulation!

As with the scientific advances in particle theory, internal medicine, and celestial mechanics, the science of governance has kept apace. And as most people, including myself, don't have a clue when it comes to advanced chemistry, physics, and biology, we do not understand the science of governance either. But this is the one area that we must all become expert in. The government has declared open war on us. In their arrogance they believe that there's nothing anyone can do about it. They are waging a scorched earth policy against the middle-class, but first they are squeezing it dry. Rising food prices impact health and nutrition choices, as they impact the checkbook. Higher gas prices impact the checkbook and prices at the checkout counter. Higher taxes impact the checkbook and the overall economy. The only place the middle-class can go is down. When the last job is shipped overseas or automated, the last farm lost to Big Agro, the last house foreclosed on, and the middle-class becomes the newly poor, all hope for the poor to rise above their station is gone. Welcome to the neo-feudalism.

America is already a fascist state. To make it a totalitarian state, we all need to be “in the system.” If you are ever arrested for any infraction, guilty or not, you will be digitally photographed for facial recognitioning, digitally fingerprinted, and now DNA indexed by blood draw, which you cannot refuse and which can be taken by force. You are in the system. If you receive Social Security of any kind, you are in the system. If you are covered by Medicare, you are in the system. If you or any of your dependents is covered by Medicaid, you are really in the system. SNAP benefits (food stamps), in the system. Housing assistance, in the system. Unemployment benefits, in the system. Veteran, in. Active Armed Services, in. If you are the victim of a violent crime, you are in the system. Being dependent on the government makes it very hard to voice grievances against it.

There is a protocol in place called Continuity of Government. In the event of a natural, man made, or extraterrestrial (I had to slip it in at least once) catastrophe, members of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches are removed to secret, fortified locations equipped with internal power sources and communications. Martial law would be invoked by this time with strict curfews, armed checkpoints, and restrictions to travel. In the event of widespread dissent or protest, martial law would also be invoked, with the same measures. In the event that the government even feared such dissent was taking root, martial law would be invoked, with the same measures, plus the shut down of utilities and access to the Internet.

We are looking down the barrel of a gun. We are looking at an America with state issued identification papers, and permanent armed checkpoints on all our roads and highways. An America where SWAT teams burst down the doors of our homes, armed with warrants signed by anonymous judges in the dead of night, dragging us from our beds, and holding our heads and the heads of our families to the floor with combat shotguns. An America where armed thugs with balaclavas covering their faces wantonly destroy our property while confiscating our guns, cell phones and computers.

The Second Revolution must be achieved through peaceful action. The government has the means to ruthlessly put down any act of rebellion. While our families are being killed, our women, our children, theirs would be safe in hidden bunkers. The cost would just be too high. The war we must wage is a war of information. We must educate ourselves and then others while there is still time before the government throws the Internet “kill switch.” In the final analysis, the one unassailable truth is that the worst possible course of action is inaction.

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