
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fidelity Fiduciary Bank

Bankster 1 - Hey, here is an idea. Let's insure the crap out of the WTC and bring it down, blame one of our CIA assets in the Middle East, maybe that tall one that's friends with Bush, Bin Laden. Yeah that's it. Call FEMA and schedule a terror drill for a plane crashing into a building. Hell, while we are at it, let's shoot a missile into the Pentagon to hide the $2.2 Trillion we stole and blame that on them too.

Bankster 2 - Perfect! We need a reason to overthrow all those countries so we can steal all their resources and set up central banks. We can take away every right those stupid Americans think they have after that.

Bankster 1 - Let's come up with some real covert name for the new legislation to trick the Americans.

Bankster 2 - Ha ha, how 'bout "The Patriot Act." Idiots will eat that right up. We can put them in a never ending "War on Terror," that they will pay for of course. Let's put our own Army in the U.S. to scare the crap out of the Americans but say it's "to keep them safe." A real Nazi sounding name - how about Department of Homeland Security? Yeah, perfect. We can make them pay for their own enslavement to us. We can use FEMA, the FBI, DHS, and the CIA to perform the terrorist attacks and also investigate them.. We will never get caught.

Bankster 1 - Perfect, stupid Americans will actually be financing our New World Order global takeover. I love false flag attacks! Get Rothschild on the line, he will love it.

From Citizens Action Network

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